
Black Sand Beaches (Suðurströndin)

Person taking picture in a helicopter
Icelandic rock is mostly dark and basaltic, which is why we refer to some shorelines as our black sand beaches. When lava makes contact with water, it cools rapidly and shatters into sand fragmented debris. The black sand beaches are mystical, and totally worth making the trek to go see. Along the south coast you can find different versions of these beaches. There is an area of vast expanse where the beach seems to go on forever. Further up is where you find the free standing basalt rock formations that line the coast as cliffs or are standing alone, slowly being worn out by the tireless sea. This area is called Dyrholaey and it is not far from the small town of Vík. We can take you to see this famous area by helicopter on our Volcanoes and Glaciers tour, the Essential Iceland tour and the Glacier Lagoon Expedition, so you can truly take in the view!
Our opening hours are from 9am - 5pm Icelandic time (Monday to Sunday).
Feel free to call us at +354-562-2500 or write us at info@helicopter.is and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Nordurflug Helicopter Tours, kt. 460206-2940, vsk númer 95248. Nauthólsvegur 58d, building 313 - hangar 1, 102 Reykjavik